On Riptide
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The Scriblerian Award #1

goes to the Winston-Salem Journal, which reviewed RIPTIDE in their September 6, 1998 issue. Here are some of the highlights:

"The novel winds up like a perfectly marbled filet mignon left too long on the coals--overdone. It's almost like Jules Verne on speed."

"The denouement and the Apocalypse seem roughly equivalent."

"If you get beyond the first couple of chapters of this book, you will have a hard time putting it down until you get to the end. At which point you may wonder about the worth of the experience."



To which the authors say:

"But I like my perfectly marbled filet mignon overdone. What's wrong with you?"
                                 -- Douglas Preston

"I never trust a town with a hyphenated name, anyway."
                            -- Lincoln Child


To the Sour Reader

If thou dislik'st the piece thou light'st on first,
Think that of all that I have writ the worst;
But if thou read'st my book unto the end,
And still dost this and that verse reprehend,
O perverse man! If all disgustful be,
The extreme scab take thee and thine, for me.

Robert Herrick, ca. 1648


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