Douglas Preston is available for speaking engagements and public appearances
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Signing books: the writing life
Signing books: the writing life

Among the current subjects he covers are:

The writing life, Preston's partnership with Lincoln Child, and the creation of their celebrated fictional character, A.X.L. Pendergast

The secrets to getting published and becoming a best-selling author

Preston lived in Italy for many years and wrote a true-crime book about Italy's Jack the Ripper, a serial killer known as the Monster of Florence. The book is being made into a major motion picture. Many photos: The Monster of Florence

Preston retraced on horseback the journey of the Spanish conquistador, Coronado, and his futile search for the Seven Cities of Gold in Arizona and New Mexico. That journey resulted in the book, Cities of Gold. Many photos: Cities of Gold

Preston wrote a short book about the anthropology of Internet savagery and abuse, using the Amanda Knox murder case as a point of departure: Trial by Fury

To request a speaking engagement with Douglas Preston, please contact:

Jayme Boucher, Director
Hachette Speakers Bureau


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