Aunt Cornelia's Story Hour by Maryellen Emery Grebin
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(with humble apologies to H.W. Longfellow)

«Listen my children and you shall hear
Of murder most foul and unspeakable fear,
A brother's betrayal and a sinister plot,
A young man's heart as black as rot;
Mine own severed as if cleaved by spear.»

«Our two young boys went exploring one day,
And came across a wondrous machine
Specially designed to enrapture its prey
With vile option and depictions unclean.
Youngest fired bravely into his head,
Elder traumatized, his remorse unsaid.
Never again did these brothers trust,
'The Event' assuredly was unjust,
Venom between them would in time combust.»

«Years progressed and our boys grew up.
One was a lawman, the other corrupt.
A cold, bloody vengeance was conceived;
Brother imputed and quarry deceived,
Many lives did he scar and disrupt,
And reclusive young woman seduced,
Left her with child, his evil abstruse.
Pursue him she did to the ends of the earth;
Fury unleashed before giving birth.»

«The Doorway to Hell is where it began,
That is precisely where it ended.
Sweet Diogenes to his death descended,
Unholy fire embracing him home,
Unfitting death to a once great man,
Upon whom an old woman depended,
Before bearing witness to her gloam.»

«Dear Aloysius, his own demon did fight,
Nearly succumbing to evil intent,
Very soul thirsting for sweet torment.
Alas, he seared it with fervid might,
His cold-murdered brother guiding the way,
But his crushing grief would never allay.»

«'Tis growing late, I'll end my story,
Though I've more to tell of Pendergast glory.
Here now, my dears, why are you crying?
You don't believe your aunt is lying?
Hush now, my children and drink your tea.»

Maryellen Emery Grebin

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