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Now that the tour is into its second and final week we seem to have swung into a relatively comfortable groove. The signings continue to be uniformly well attended and gratifying, and the audiences enthusiastic. Today we had two great signings: the first at Nicola’s Books in Ann Arbor, Michigan (thanks, Nicola!) and the second at Borders in Toledo, Ohio (where people waited very patiently, standing, for us to arrive). At both signings, our new audience-directed idea of having a group photo taken in front of The Bus has proven popular, as the attached pictures make clear. Our readers don’t only have excellent literary taste—they are good sports, as well! Meanwhile, traveling between venues, we have continued to find new ways to amuse ourselves and (no doubt) annoy our traveling companions. For example, this evening the two of us engaged in a rather bizarre game of our own devising: “name that obscure quote from some little-known English poem.” I swiftly identified Doug’s weak opening sally of “Midnight shakes the memory/As a madman shakes a dead geranium,” and ultimately stumped the ignorant fellow with the quote, “…in the foul rag and bone shop of the heart.” (We’ll leave it to our readers to supply the authors of those lines.) Later, Doug redressed the balance by soundly defeating me at a game of pool in the hotel’s bar. The grudge match will continue… LBC |